Analysis of the related technology of mixing in small mixer
2017-07-17 09:53:43
Analysis of the related technology of mixing in small mixer
Banbury general and tabletting machine, the first mixing chamber with rubber mixture according to a certain order into the mixer, the mixing evenly, discharging on the tablet machine pressed into pellets and the rubber material temperature decreases (not higher than 100 DEG C), then adding complexing agent low temperature curing agent and adding, through the blender or artificial ramming glue is repeatedly pressed to refining, mixing evenly, the mixer and press a mixed steel get uniform mixing method called a mixing method.
Some materials such as rubber chloroprene rubber, butadiene rubber by the mixer, to press under cooling, and parking for a certain period of time, once again returned to the mixer for mixing, and then in the tablet machine adding curing agent, ultra accelerator, and dispersing the obtained compound, mixed evenly, the mixing method is called the two stage mixing. Dense feeding order mixer for rubber - General: small materials (including promoter, surfactant, antioxidant etc.) - filler, reinforcing agent, liquid plasticizer.
In order to obtain a good quality rubber mixture, the proper capacity, feeding sequence, mixing time, temperature and pressure of the top bolt should be determined according to the properties of the rubber compound.
Some of the rubber materials are made by mixer, which can be combined by mixing and mixing. It has been proved by experience that the mixing of natural rubber with a mixer is better. This method simplifies production process, shortens production cycle and improves efficiency. But if a large amount of compounding agent which is difficult to be dispersed evenly in rubber is used in the formulation, it is not suitable to use this method, and still needs to be mixed with plastic compound, so as to avoid uneven mixing. Mixing of mixer and open mixing machine is more mechanized, less labor intensity, shorter mixing time and high production efficiency. In addition, because of mixing chamber is airtight, it reduces the flying of powder.
In addition to the above two mixing methods, there is also a new screw mixer (transfer mixer) mixing method, which is characterized by continuous mixing, high production efficiency. The utility model can make mixing, rolling and extruding combined power, so as to realize automation conveniently.