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Dongguan Baoding Precision Instrument Co. Ltd.

Miss.Cai  13717346368

Telephone: 0769-85588096
Fax: 0769-82688299
Email: 13717346368@163.com
URL: www.www.chinaenglish.net
Address: No. nine Park Avenue, Houjie Town, Guangdong, Dongguan, China, No. 23

Relationship between temperature and time of vulcanization

2017-03-13 15:19:52 Hits:2836
Vulcanization depends on temperature, pressure and time. Must have a certain amount of time to complete the vulcanization process. The length of curing time depends on the temperature of vulcanization, the formulation of the rubber and the thickness of the curing site.
Vulcanization temperature directly affects the curing rate and product quality, high curing temperature, curing speed, high production efficiency, but the high temperature will cause the rubber chain cleavage, resulting in a decline in the mechanical properties of vulcanizates;
However, the vulcanization temperature is low and the vulcanization rate is slow, but it is easy to generate more polysulfide crosslinks. The formula of the compound rubber material, using the low temperature vulcanization for a long time, its tensile strength will be higher than the strength of the high temperature vulcanization.
Vulcanizing machine
1, curing time and temperature under the condition of positive vulcanization, the temperature increased by 10 degrees each time, vulcanization time can be reduced by half
2, the curing time and the thickness of the relationship in curing conditions, if one side is heated, each 1 mm increase in curing time increased 12 minutes, if it is a two-sided heat, every increase of 1 mm, the curing time increased 5 minutes.