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Dongguan Baoding Precision Instrument Co. Ltd.

Miss.Cai  13717346368

Telephone: 0769-85588096
Fax: 0769-82688299
Email: 13717346368@163.com
URL: www.www.chinaenglish.net
Address: No. nine Park Avenue, Houjie Town, Guangdong, Dongguan, China, No. 23

The construction features of Baoding Laboratory Mixer

2017-04-10 10:27:59 Hits:2757
1, one of the main base, frame, front and back roller, transmission gear, reducer, pitch adjustment equipment, roller temperature control equipment, safety switches, electrical control system.
2, roller material for alloy chilled cast iron, with high hardness and wear resistance, roller temperature control equipment, can be into the roller into the steam or cooling water to adjust roller temperature, to meet the technical requirements.
3, planning equipment safety maintenance equipment, when the equipment exceeds the load, equipment parking. Roller safety and safety equipment: when the equipment exceeds the pressure of the roller in a flash, the safety and safety of the active phase of the piece. Then maintain roller and other main parts (XK-400 without this equipment) to make the machine run more reliable, repair costs to a minimum.
4, the machine is equipped with a braking device, when an emergency occurs, pull the safety pull rod can immediately brake, and then down the attack.
China rubber mixer to ensure maximum safety and reliability.