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Dongguan Baoding Precision Instrument Co. Ltd.

Miss.Cai  13717346368

Telephone: 0769-85588096
Fax: 0769-82688299
Email: 13717346368@163.com
URL: www.www.chinaenglish.net
Address: No. nine Park Avenue, Houjie Town, Guangdong, Dongguan, China, No. 23

How to maintain the Laboratory Mixer

2017-04-10 10:37:08 Hits:2514
Rubber machine manufacturer Dongguan Baoding lab Mixer2 suggests that we use to maintenance:
The 1 day, when on a first direction bearing grease is smooth (s 2 cup), plus a few preheating 5 minutes after feeding mixing, increase at any time in the machine during the operation, beware of broken oil operations.
2, the internal gear reducer, the size of the drive gear and roller speed ratio gear are increased smooth gear oil 2, oil to be able to touch the teeth height.
3, the reducer oil is usually replaced once every six months, usually check the amount of oil and oil storage, ranging equipment and safety rod equipment into the oil slick.